Adri & Bobby’s damask riverboat wedding
A little bit vintage, a little bit classy, a little bit rock ‘n’ roll, and a little bit Jerry Springer. Can I get a hallellujah up in here!? Add in some DIY, a sun dance miracle, and a 96-year-old grandpa who kicks ass and takes names.
What should a best woman wear? Fashion for groomsgirls & best women
You might think the only way to make a gender-blind wedding party work is to match the switcheroo with the other side of the party. But hold on, because that’s just one of a few options. Let’s take a look at what we’ve seen among our own Best Women and Groomsgirls. Bring on the ladies crossing the gender divide!
Fireflies, peaches, and a quaint park wedding in South Carolina
Charlotte and Jeremiah somehow managed to pull off the following amazingness on a low budget. Brae Howard Photography captured the summery DIY moments in a lovely park in North Augusta, South Carolina.
Damnit, my mom was right… (don’t tell her!)
I knew that weddings were expensive, but I thought the expense was attributed to pricey perks like dresses made out of Swarovski crystals and 500lb twelve-tier cakes, not the sheer cost of simply feeding your guests. You know who did know some of this stuff? My mom.