Kristy & Kevin’s colorful crafty Midwest barn dance wedding
This couple decided one day wasn’t enough, so they crafted an entire weekend of fun for their crew with a 5K, a barbecue, and bike rides. Somehow they managed all this while DIYing almost all of the elements of this gorgeous farm wedding.
Kim & Greg’s low-key garden party Manhattan wedding
This couple didn’t let a tornado take their venue from them in this budget garden and lounge party. Lots of crafting and thought went into this one.
Rose & Aaron’s zombies and pizza Wooly Bugger farm wedding
One plot of land, lovingly transformed into a place where a community comes together to see a couple wed… and grill pizza. And chill with farm animals. And make s’mores. And fend off the zombie apocalypse. Oh hell yes.
Adri & Bobby’s damask riverboat wedding
A little bit vintage, a little bit classy, a little bit rock ‘n’ roll, and a little bit Jerry Springer. Can I get a hallellujah up in here!? Add in some DIY, a sun dance miracle, and a 96-year-old grandpa who kicks ass and takes names.