Pass your copy of the Offbeat Bride book to newly-engaged friends
It’s come to my attention that several Offbeat Brides have started a “Sisterhood of the traveling book” project, wherein they pass a single copy of my book Offbeat Bride: Creative Alternatives for Independent Brides from newly-engaged friend to newly-engaged friend. Here’s the purchaser of the book, Ellie, explaining how the tradition got established (spoiler: it was her husband’s idea!)…
Shana & Leon’s bluegrass wedding in the woods
This pair loves hiking, trees, awesome local beer, and good barbecue. What better ingredients are there for a campground wedding under the trees? Oh, maybe the addition of a kick-ass bluegrass band that kept everyone dancing well into the night. With some ceremony accompaniment, an adorable uncle reading poetry, and dogs and kids galore, this was a wedding with a lot of heart.
Feathers, chains, and flowers: a headband roundup
The Offbeat Bride Tribe was buzzing recently about the trouble of finding killer headbands for wedding hairstyles. And you know what, it has been a long time since we talked headbands, which is a shame since they are awesome for long-haired and short-haired brides alike, and for any hair texture.
Heather & Tim’s tiny fall guerrilla wedding in the park
Follow those ruby slippers! Loving the simplicity of this ceremony in the park with a brother from each side of this partnership co-officiating before heading back to the couple’s apartment to celebrate. The cozy party features lots of beaming faces of all ages — even a quiet moment with their cats.