When Trekkies Wed: a Star Trek-themed ceremony, vows, and officiant dressed as Q
Seattle-based officiant Elaine Way was contacted by our Trekkie couple of the day (John and Becky) and asked if she would dress in full character for their ceremony. The character they had in mind was none other than Q, aka the bossy enlightened know-it-all from Next Generation. Since Becky and John are full-blown Trekkies, we also have the entire ceremony AND a wedding video!
Trending topic: #vows
Every once in while, we notice a particular topic that has a crazy spike — it’s the phrase that most brides are searching for. Or it’s the topic that’s suddenly pinned everywhere. It’s the topic that basically dominates are most-read posts for the month. This month? That trending topic is VOWS.
Faye & Mike’s pagan LARPing gamer nerds wedding
These LARPing, role-playing cuties wanted a Renaissance Faire wedding, but had to swap to a venue that was closer to the airport for out-of-towners. But they still totally rocked their Ren Faire flair with dragon goblets, fantasy-themed tables, D20 candy favors, and a foam sword arch (that totally surprised the groom!). Come all ye who seek fantasy and mischief! Just make sure you read their biggest challenge — it’ll put everything into perspective.
Check the Star Wars LEGO details at this Philadelphia nerdy wedding
Transformers references in the ceremony, library escort cards, LEGO mini-figs… it’s like a geek’s paradise up in these parts. But it’s all wrapped up in meaningful rituals, EPIC fashion (check out the hats!), and a reallygood compromise between those who love to dance and those who love to chill. You’ll want to steal these ideas, folks.