A little bit vintage, artsy, and nerdy: this art gallery meets kale wedding is divine
The theming was a bit all over the board but it came together swimmingly. The look was super vintage starlet, the venue decorations leaned to a glam nature look but set in an industrial (literally a converted warehouse) art gallery/studios, which already had art on the walls and string lights which made decorating a breeze.
My husband was born and raised in Columbia, MO, so the idea of having the wedding downtown was something he was very invested in. Our rehearsal dinner was at a locally (state-wide probably) famous pizza place where we spent many late nights in college playing D&D and Munchkin.
A nerdy wedding in Washington with nods to LotR, Star Wars, and Harry Potter
This tattooed pair was all about highlighting some geeky details at their nerdy wedding in Washington. The Hobbit Hole venue, their Harry Potter meets LotR meets Star Wars favor packages, and their killer styles all made us so giddy to see what they had going on in this wedding. It was simple, it was personal, and it had PIZZA. You’ll want to see this nerdtastic wedding…
A little bit vintage, a little bit nerdy at this intimate geeky wedding
A historical museum, a teeny bit of Star Wars and Harry Potter, and a fab steak dinner for a small crowd of loved ones… this intimate geeky wedding is simple wedding #goals. The bride’s sage advice about picking the right wedding party members is key. Don’t miss the reason for the last dance, too. It’s REAL and it’s awesome.
When books meet RPGs: a book nerds wedding to tickle your dice
“As soon as we started researching bookish wedding ideas, we saw a book arch and knew we HAD to have one. The bookish theme just sort of snowballed from there.” Oh yes, it did! This pair latched onto the book theme and made it truly amazing. Just wait until you see their awesome glass-clinking idea, too. This is a book nerds wedding for the… books. Ahem.