Deyanna & Dustin’s Stormtrooper zombie homebrew wedding
We’ve got Stormtroopers, Vader, zombies, a green man, a cemetery cake, cemetery photos, an ’80s cover band, a unity zombie head, and just about a thousand other awesome details. If that isn’t enough to grab you, then you need some of their seven kegs of home-brewed beer, stat.
Jessica & Jacob’s low-key ’50s-Style wedding
At first I was like, “I love that dress!” and then I was all, “I love that hat!” And finally I said, “I love this wedding!” 1950s-inspired fashion, a low-key dinner after some geeky vows (Lord of the Rings and Doctor Who included), fun with a piñata, and a bazillion folded cranes — this is a wedding to savor.
A retro polka-dot cocktail party wedding
Retro dresses, victory rolls, in-ceremony Facebook updates, a pre-ceremony cocktail party, lots of polka-dots, and an impromptu feat of strength on the dance floor: it’s a retro wedding for everyone!
Emily & Phil’s romance reading and revelry wedding
It’s our Bookish wedding theme week, and today we’ve got some book centerpieces (that guests could take home) and bookmark escort cards. Plus, you’ll want to see the bride’s gorgeous gold dress, the family’s secret original song for the couple, and their cake buffet!