EJ & Nathan’s horror movies and octopodes beach wedding
Let me just lay this right here: a tentacle aisle, tentacle bouquets, a pineapple print dress, fold-out fan programs, horror movie centerpieces, and a flesh-eating martian owlopus. You read that right. Oh, and some sage advice meant for a pre-teen that totally applies to all of us. Let us know if you spot the MINGLO, too!
Erin & Ryan’s Northern Ireland roadtrip and homespun Appalachian handfasting
This pair likes to take the old proverb “you can’t have your cake and eat it, too” as both a personal challenge and an individual goal. Therefore, when they were planning their wedding and couldn’t decide between two drastically different affairs (a free-spirited private destination wedding adventure versus an intricately detailed small community backyard handfasting), they decided to have them both! Prepare for gorgeous scenery and naughty favors ahead!
30 geek movie love quotes
Slogging through traditional love quotes can be taxing, especially when you just want something that tingles that geek-loving robot heart of yours. We root for the geeky underdog to get the girl and hope the battle over evil ends in a big snog. And we need something relatable for our ceremony readings, invitation wording, and pop culture-filled vows, right? You demand nerdy romance, funny vow ideas, and swashbuckling toast fodder from movies, TV, and a few books? As you wish…
Kelley & Michael’s beachside Hawai’ian elopement (with ring forging!)
Keeping a secret for a whole year? Not this couple’s forte, but they did it! Planning a sweet and scenic Hawai-ian elopement with back-up plans for bad weather? That they can do! They powered through the secrecy and it was all worth it when they stood touching foreheads overlooking a craggy and fabulous beach as a married couple. Oh, and you’ll never guess what Tolkien-esque wizardry went into their wedding rings!