Dean & Matt’s classy “gaymer’s crash a gastropub” wedding
Retro video game photo booth props, a Mario cake, Plants Vs. Zombies cupcakes, and a chic gastropub in New York City… it’s a GAYmer wedding gone sophisticated! After a big snafu just getting to the venue, it was smooth sailing for the rest of the night (even if a TON of tears were shed). Get your achievement by clicking on this wedding and finding all the adorable gamer details.
A geektastic costume shindig featuring winged shoes, fist bumps, and a groom dressed like Indiana Jones
I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that Sean is a pretty massive Indiana Jones fan — what with the fact that he dressed up as Indy for his wedding and all. His equally costume-enthusiastic bride, Urania, swapped out her full-length wedding gown for a N7 (the special forces in Mass Effect) ensemble later in the night, and costumes donned by guests included Harry Potter, knights, and a Gingerbread Man.
Holly & Fernando’s teeny tiny Harry Potter renaissance festival wedding
Only a few weeks to prepare, only room for 12 guests… how can they make this work?! Oh, they so did. The small guest list totally fit this introverted couple’s preferences, and the intimate space amid the hustle and bustle of a renaissance fest was fabulously adorable. Add in some Harry Potter colors (Ravenclaws represent!), an “Always” necklace, and “Mischief Managed” rings, and you’ve got the recipe to brew up a love potion for us all.
Stacie & Kevin’s soulful karaoke wedding
The rain may have threatened this outdoor wedding, but it couldn’t dampen the spirits of these two. The keg and karaoke party must go on! Add in a casual vibe, a fun after-party, some R. Kelly karaoke, and what looks to have been the most fun wedding party photo session ever, and you’re in for lots of smiles.