Squeal at the ARMORED corset dress at this fantasy RPG-themed wedding
The armored corset dress (that I’m on a quest to buy), the silver filigree crown, the groom’s cloak and bandolier, the Moroccan glass star-shaped lanterns for the bridesmaids… I just CAN’T with this wedding. It’s the medieval garb wedding of my fantasy-driven heart. And that’s saying a lot. You just have to see this gorgeous pair and their amazingly dressed guests at this fantasy RPG-themed wedding.
Class tables and butterbeer at this magical, SUPER detailed Harry Potter-themed wedding
I know I’ve said I’ve seen it all when it comes to Harry Potter-themed weddings, but this one REALLY kicks some ass when it comes to amazing and magical Harry Potter details. They had class tables for Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy, History of Magic, Divination, and Quidditch, AND house tables. There were even floating candles in a room that was literally called “The Great Hall.” Grab yourself a drink called “Alas, Earwax” and come see all the stunning details…
Keep it cosmic AND gender-neutral with this space-themed ceremony script (+ READINGS!)
As a queer person, it was important to me to have a ceremony that reflected our values while avoiding language that was cis- or hetero-centric. Our spiritual and philosophical practices and beliefs include both Christianity and Buddhism, and we both feel strongly about the value of secular institutions. On top of this, our wedding was space-themed! With all these things in mind, we decided to write the gender-neutral space-themed ceremony from scratch.
Travel through space with this sci-fi museum wedding (guest starring Yoda!)
This chic-as-hell wedding was also super geeky with its sci-fi overtones and awesome space-themed details. The location alone kills us with its awesomeness. Don’t miss the flipbook station, Doctor Who-inspired save-the-dates, Star Wars shoes, Star Wars opening crawl to the ceremony, and sweet two-mother story at the reception. Are you ready for this sci-fi museum wedding?