Brit didn’t let getting sick ruin her wedding!
The offbeat bride: Brit, Admin Her offbeat partner: Cecilia, Accountant Location & date of wedding: Historic building outside Boston, MA, October 13, 2007 What made our wedding offbeat: We made the decision early on that we would keep whatever traditional wedding elements we liked, and ditch those we didn’t! This meant the white dress was […]
How to combat “DIY-er than thou”: an interview with Khris Cochran, author of DIY Bride
Talking to Khris Cochran, author of The DIY Bride: 40 Fun Projects for Your Ultimate One-of-a-Kind Wedding and editor of about wedding projects and the dangers of DIY machismo.
Check the DRAMA of this yellow wedding dress
I wore a custom raw silk gown by Sandra Sung who is a local Vancouver based designer which was a major splurge for me but very worth it. I also wore an antique necklace from Joel’s Grannie who was unable to be with us and I had a very comfortable pair of shoes hidden under that train. Joel wore his favourite black suit and a tie also made out of the fabric from my dress made by his mother.
The ultimate eco-wedding invitation?
How great would it be to apply this business card concept to your wedding invitations? Thanks to Scunshine for the idea!