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at home wedding 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Get married at home

Things to consider if you want to get married at home: 1. Cost savings 2. Fewer venue restrictions 3. Space limitations 4. Rental expenses

2493813682 a0d4ba97ab m alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Peacock feather bouquet

For those of you seeking out alternatives to the traditional floral bouquet, check out Rachel’s fabulous peacock feather bouquet. The peacock theme continued on the wedding cake, too. It’s worth checking out all the photos from this lovely wedding … this one is my favorite, although I’m also quite fond of this one of the […]

2505237715 e0f45bf6cb z alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The beauty of simplicity: When a family member gets a terminal diagnosis, your wedding priorities shift

This weekend I attended the wedding of my brother-in-law Chris in Missoula. He and his fiance, Sacha, had intended to get married in September … but when they got the word a couple weeks ago that Chris’s mother’s cancer was back with a vengeance and her time is limited, they moved the wedding up by four months.

momzilla shirt on offbeatbride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Momzilla and wedding budgeting

Everyone warns you about Bridezilla, but no one tells you about how your mom will morph into Momzilla! My simple rule: If mom’s payin’, you need to listen to what she’s sayin’.

For the longer answer, keep reading.