Jessica and Matthew’s laid-back under-$1000 wedding
We decided to get married after having seen each other in person only five times (over a year and a half) and burning through countless verizon cell-to-cell minutes. We had only two months to plan the wedding, and I (the bride) was living in California while the groom and the wedding was in Connecticut. I arrived in Connecticut four days before the wedding and thankfully had family and friends who handled all the preparations while Matthew and I generally freaked out.
Getting weddinged is what it’s called when you have a wedding after you’re already legally married
Getting weddinged, verb: The act of having a wedding after you’re already legally married.
Rainy weddings = gorgeous weddings
But here’s the thing: rainy weddings can be awesome, if you’re prepared. In the case of cutie mcbriderson here, that means the most adorable polka dot umbrella evar! Look at that gorgeous diffused light. Look at those polkadots! Look at that green shrug! LOOK AT THAT SMILE!
Hold a silent auction at your wedding
From Matt Haughey: My cousin Tony and his girlfriend got married this past weekend and as a young couple in Southern California, they’ve been saving for years for their first house. On the occasion of their marriage, they didn’t want to fill a non-existent house with blenders and trinkets but didn’t want to flatly refuse […]