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fdggg 101812 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Add a secret letter memorial in your paper flower bouquet

Tribesmaid Inthecorridors made this very sweet little flower memorial for her grandmother and shared it on the Offbeat Bride Tribe. While it technically wasn’t for her wedding, how perfect would this be for brides with a paper flower bouquet (or even a real flower bouquet with one special paper flower tucked in)?

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Megan & Jason’s geek chic love fest in the woods

This couple gets their geek on with a wink and a nod. From the chic 8-bit references to the sweet storybook readings, this geeky wedding has lots to ogle, but you’ll double-take when you see what one of the groomsmen wore to the reception. He didn’t put a bird on it, so much as he put it on a bird….

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Make your kitteh an honorary usher

Tribesmaid Onesonicbite and her groom Jon are cat parents and would love to have their kitty be included in the wedding. But bringing a cat to the ceremony would only lead to certain drama and crazy cat overreaction. Onesonicbite is creating an awesome wooden cut-out of her cat Toulouse to guard their program information board!

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Lydia & Johan’s metal-inspired relaxed wedding (with skits!)

A little heavy metal, some geeky references, a custom Etsy dress, and a lot of friends contributing to the fun… sounds like a wedding made for our readers. This bride also learned to put down the wedding magazines and totally embrace a lack of control on the wedding day. Plus, a certain Dutch tradition of performing skits will totally amaze you.