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tdwd 01 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Top hats and tails at this Brooklyn Winery wedding

After 17 years together, Tony and Michael were married at St. Ann & The Holy Trinity Church in Brooklyn, NY. With bagpipe accompaniment, lots of wine, and two men in top hats and tails, it was bound to be a superb celebration.

fdko 120712 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Big lollipops: A sweet addition to your bouquet

Longtime readers know that non-floral bouquets can be a low-cost and high-fun alternative to real flowers. And for those of us who have a sweet tooth (yours truly represent), adding some candy to your bouquet makes it, quite literally, that much sweeter.

8204982096 710990e822 c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Karina & Murray’s monocles and Mario wedding

Monocles and Mario Kart and much to love in this wedding — from the 1,000 origami paper cranes to the father of the bride’s amazing outfit, this DIY wedding has it all: self-catered vegan cupcakes (and an entire vegan dessert bar, ahem!), personalized vows, a divine red dress, and a seriously cool venue. Tip of the top hat to you two, too!

Screen shot 2012 11 27 at 7.31.28 PM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Make these custom chalkboard mugs for your wedding party

I was totally stumped about what to get our wedding party as “thank you” gifts for helping us out on our wedding day. I mean, nothing I found was going to say thank you quite the way I want. After a lot of thinking, and probably too many hours on Pinterest, I settled on an idea I thought was fun… chalkboard mugs. Here’s how I pulled these off…