Top hats and tails at this Brooklyn Winery wedding
After 17 years together, Tony and Michael were married at St. Ann & The Holy Trinity Church in Brooklyn, NY. With bagpipe accompaniment, lots of wine, and two men in top hats and tails, it was bound to be a superb celebration.
Big lollipops: A sweet addition to your bouquet
Longtime readers know that non-floral bouquets can be a low-cost and high-fun alternative to real flowers. And for those of us who have a sweet tooth (yours truly represent), adding some candy to your bouquet makes it, quite literally, that much sweeter.
Karina & Murray’s monocles and Mario wedding
Monocles and Mario Kart and much to love in this wedding — from the 1,000 origami paper cranes to the father of the bride’s amazing outfit, this DIY wedding has it all: self-catered vegan cupcakes (and an entire vegan dessert bar, ahem!), personalized vows, a divine red dress, and a seriously cool venue. Tip of the top hat to you two, too!
Make these custom chalkboard mugs for your wedding party
I was totally stumped about what to get our wedding party as “thank you” gifts for helping us out on our wedding day. I mean, nothing I found was going to say thank you quite the way I want. After a lot of thinking, and probably too many hours on Pinterest, I settled on an idea I thought was fun… chalkboard mugs. Here’s how I pulled these off…