Sara & Mike’s sunny secret garden vegan wedding
Doctor Who themed run up the aisle? Check. Toast from the matchmakers, complete with sashes? Check. Super-sparkly gold reception dress to dance like crazy in? Double check. Oh, and the sunny secret garden behind the enchanting garden gate? Inspiring… but not quite as full of joy as the sunny secret hug behind the wall. So much joy!
Secret locations, old-school film, and amazing shots: An interview with NYC photographer Dustin Cantrell
Every now and then we get photography sponsors that have some great insights into the ways they run their businesses that make them such great fits for our readership. New York’s Dustin Cantrell is one of those awesome photography vendors. Keep reading to find out his surprising favorite part about working with non-traditional clients, the top three most-requested New York photography spots, and why he doesn’t believe the typical eight-hour wedding package. Oh yes, and a little Offbeat Bride discount…
Blue shoes, for weddings and other weird days [UPDATED!]
Over the past six weeks, I’ve been working my way through a rainbow of shoe colors. In my final week of working through the most basic spectrum, it’s time to focus on blue shoes.
Blue shoes are actually not uncommon at all for weddings — lots of brides who are going for the “something old, something new” tradition use them as their “something blue.” That said, I’m doubting the majority of brides would rock the loud-ass blue shoes I’m about to feature…
Pass your copy of the Offbeat Bride book to newly-engaged friends
It’s come to my attention that several Offbeat Brides have started a “Sisterhood of the traveling book” project, wherein they pass a single copy of my book Offbeat Bride: Creative Alternatives for Independent Brides from newly-engaged friend to newly-engaged friend. Here’s the purchaser of the book, Ellie, explaining how the tradition got established (spoiler: it was her husband’s idea!)…