Chunky heels to avoid that sinking feeling [updated!]
I’ve heard women older than me say it, and now it’s my turn: you KNOW you’re getting older when trends you remember from your early 20s start looping back around again.
Witness: chunky heels. You guys, as proof of this, I present to you this photo of me on my 21st birthday, rocking some amazing white plastic chunky heels…
Helen & Steve’s laid-back Hobbity pinwheel wedding
This wedding has piles of rainbows, pinwheels, board games, and s’mores fixings. Also, the most adorable ring-bears — complete with fuzzy bow ties! And wait till you see how the groom’s vows surprised the Offbeat Bride (hint: backup vocalists helped)!
A Princess Bride wedding channeling Westley and Buttercup themselves
You know our Offbeat Brides love them some references to The Princess Bride. (See our tag archive for proof!) The Impressive Clergyman makes appearances regularly. But rare is the time when we get some full-on Westley and Buttercup cosplay!
Valentine’s Day treat: A pink wedding dress so deliciously lovely you could eat it
Last week, one of our readers mentioned that their favorite Wedding Dress Fantasy dresses were the pink ones. And I couldn’t agree more. I promised you a pink dress that looked like it was made from angel wings and did Tova deliver, or what!?