DIY weddings are more popular than ever since DIY projects can save you beaucoup bucks in the process. So if you need some seriously pretty mood lighting for your DIY decor, this easy ping pong ball light garland is your go-to DIY wedding project. Plus, they function as garland/bunting for a ceremony backdrop of for stringing along the ceiling in your venue. And they're oh-so-glowy!
They're cheap, easy to make, and they look gorgeous lighting the rest of your decor (and photo ops!). The ping pong balls give off a warm, soft glow, perfect for setting the mood.
Here's how to make these easy lights…
Before you run out and purchase supplies, make sure you have determined how many lights you'll need. Will this go all around the wedding venue? Or only in specific areas? Longer strands mean more LED lights, which means more balls. You don't want to end up 50 balls short or with uneven lighting, so make sure you plan ahead.
TIP: I recommend buying ping pong balls in bulk, about a dozen more than the number of LED lights you have in case you make a mistake or break a few.
You will need:
You'll only need a few materials for this ping pong ball light garland. The hot glue or silicone is optional, but it will secure the lights inside the balls. If you're having an outdoor wedding and anticipate some wind, this is definitely recommended. Silicone is a better option since it's easier to remove.
- LED lights
- Ping pong balls
- Egg carton
- Precision knife
- Optional: Silicone or hot glue
- Optional: flowers, origami, glitter
How to make it:
Step 1: Test your lights
Test your LED lights to see that every bulb is working perfectly. You will also want to check if the lights get too hot after about an hour. Since ping pong balls are made of plastic, you don't want hot lights to warp them. Once you're done, unplug the lights and proceed with the next step. Do not leave the lights on unattended.
Step 2: Cut holes in the balls
Use an empty egg carton or some other mount to stabilize the balls. Cut a small X into each one, just enough to push one LED bulb through. Be sure to cut small X's as it is easier to make it bigger than it is to make it smaller. Avoid cutting through the seams of the balls.
Step 3: Add the lights
Carefully push each light through the cut, and seal with silicone or glue.
Step 4: Add some effects
As an option, you can add flowers or origami in between the balls or right beside each ball. Add glitter for some additional sparkle. Or spell out your name and your partner's name, writing one letter per ball. Use a metallic marker for effect, or ask a friend with calligraphy handwriting to do it for you.
And you're done! The ping pong balls diffuse light beautifully for amazing photos. Have fun!
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