Unless you raised yourselves (or were raised by wolves, which would be even better), you might have a parent figure of some kind to thank for helping you get to be the awesome human you are who gets to marry the awesome person who loves you for being the awesome person you are.
If this is the case, here are some fun ways to thank your parents/parental figures before, after, or at your wedding.

If your parents are the weepy kind, hook them up with a heartfelt handkerchief for their wedding tears that will, ironically, make them cry upon receipt.

If your mom is like my mom she wears her “Mother of the Bride” label with pride. Let her wear it with pride both literally and metaphorically with a cute “mother of the bride” tote bag…
…Or a wine glass, preferably filled with good wine, or whiskey!

Speaking of booze… weddings are stressful. If your in-laws or your parents have been helping out in any way, they probably deserve not just a drink, but an entire bottle!

I got my father an awesome Game of Thrones-themed tie (he's totally a Stark), but if I actually had the time I would have loved to add a personalized tie patch as a cute thank you note to go with the gift of fashion.

Although, to be honest, he'd probably just rather have a cool custom fishing lure. Anyone else have a dad like mine? 😉

Of continually lend a helping hand for any future events your parents might throw, by gifting them personalized trays. (I love these “love always” platters from Susabellas.)

Still can't think of good parent wedding gifts? I love the idea of putting up a sign like this that thanks them publicly and sweetly for just being who they are.
Get a little artsy with custom illustrations of you with your parental figures, like these drawings from SsasaDesigns. Or, if you possess the power of artistic skills, you could create your own custom drawings as parental wedding gifts!