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A non-possessive ceremony

A poly-friendly and non-possessive ceremony script (with three rings!)

If you are looking to shed some of the possessive wording that usually comes with standard marriage ceremonies, this poly-friendly and non-possessive ceremony script will give you some great inspiration. It’s non-gendered, non-monogamy-friendly, totally usable by LGBTQ couples and cishet couples alike, and sweet as hell. Plus, see how three rings came into play (and the Iron Ring symbolism for Canadian engineers!)

cads about matrimony wedding game cards alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Cads About Matrimony: A wedding game for people who hate wedding games

Our sponsor Cads About Matrimony (aka “A wedding game for people who hate love.” aka “The most efficient way to humiliate everyone in your wedding party.” aka “About 1/10 the price but at least 1/4 the fun of a stripper.”) is back with a special announcement.

Passionate wedding reading

“Mouths wandering each to each”: A seriously passionate wedding reading

Upon first glance at this wedding reading, it seems lovely and sweet. But give it a second and it starts to sounds like some real live passion is being felt here. It’s a supremely passionate wedding reading with just a tinge of “oh hell yeah, THIS is what I’m talking about.” Logic and rationality is all well and good, but this has some physicality and emotional heft to it. If you need a heady thrill in your wedding readings, this short and sweet one by Christopher Brennan is the one.

Sweet and subtle shine at this lovely backyard wedding

Sweet and subtle shine at this gorgeous backyard wedding

Samantha and Steven tied the knot at their gorgeous backyard wedding at Steven’s childhood home, complete with a cozy lounge out in the field and a barn and pretty foliage everywhere… and SIGH. There were vintage details, family heirlooms, and even an old skool Polaroid camera in play. Sweet part incoming: they took a few minutes out of their morning to share and read letters from each other before walking down the aisle.

Don’t miss Samantha’s boho chic two-piece dress that was hand-embroidered by a family friend.

This super chic rock wedding in Cleveland is bringing down the house

This super stylish rock ‘n’ roll wedding in Cleveland is bringing down the house

Cassandra and Ernesto’s super stylish Cleveland rock ‘n’ roll wedding. They personalized so many details, including Cassandra’s taking on the task of creating all of the stationery (which are AMAZING and reflected in all the details!). Don’t miss the gold record place settings, record centerpieces, gooooorgeous seating place cards, adult dude “flower girl, “and of course, this chic-as-hell couple…

Some of our favorite weddings at home ever

Homebodies unite: some of our favorite at home weddings EVER

Simone and Andrew’s at home wedding was practically a how-to in at-home awesomeness. They made total use of foliage, extra seating, fairy lights, and a portable dance floor (oh, and a flower grandma!) to make their home seem like wedding venue magic. You can do it, too! It may not be the right choice for everyone, but at home weddings can be just as glorious as any other kind and we’ve got the proof.

Let’s walk down memory lane to see some of our very favorite weddings at home…