Search Results for: proposals

This surprise Doctor Who scavenger hunt proposal is worthy of all Time Lords

This surprise Doctor Who scavenger hunt proposal would blow the mind of any Time Lord

This is the story of how my boyfriend proposed at the end of a surprise, Seattle-wide, Doctor Who scavenger hunt proposal. He spent months preparing for this, and his efforts really paid off! Weeks earlier, he’d told me to block out that day in my calendar for a surprise. I’m like a cat (curiosity “kills” me), so when the day finally arrived, I was eager to know what his plans were. Little did I know, they were EPIC.

I proposed to my boyfriend and here's why it was perfect for us...

I proposed to my boyfriend and here’s why it was perfect for us…

It was so difficult for me to propose to my fiancé. I grew up with a ton of stories about how men are supposed to propose to women, how they should create the perfect, amazing story. I watched tons of flash mob proposals with internet videos. I watched opera proposals. And movie proposals. And same sex hardware store proposals. Then I met my now fiancé and realized that none of those things worked for us, and that we needed to rewrite the story…

Feast your eyes on this gorgeous boho wedding in Ojai

Feast your eyes on this gorgeous desert boho wedding

This pair had their desert boho wedding at The Historic 5th Street School, the school that the groom’s grandfather attended during The Great Depression. Don’t miss the wooden silhouette of Red Rock ceremony backdrop, the hand-sculpted cake toppers, Filipino meets Irish traditions, gorgeous party space, anime references, “President” and “VP” Flower girls, and really solid advice from the bride. This is a must-see.

ways not to announce your engagement alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

5 ways NOT to announce your engagement on social media (in GIFs)

It’s the start of the holiday season. You’re full of tryptophan and ready for a nap. OR you’re totally celebrating your freshly diamond-ed finger because your spouse (or you!) has just proposed. It’s the holidays, love is in the air. It’s engagement season, y’all.

If this is you, CONGRATS! We’re so happy for you! And we want all your friends and family to be happy, too. So here are five ways NOT to announce your engagement on social media so you don’t wreck all the fun with your wild antics.

Why two independent, liberal feminists chose the flawed institution of marriage

Why two independent, liberal feminists chose the flawed institution of marriage

I never wanted to get married. Marriage’s past is smattered with values we reject. But marriage also has a future, with opportunity for change. Is this an institution with of we want to be a part? What inspired two young, marriage-shy independents to happily enter into an engagement?

my best friend wont be in my wedding alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

5 things to do when your best friend said no to being in the wedding

About three days after getting engaged, I texted my best friend to quickly confirm that he would, indeed, be in my wedding party. His response was… not what I was expecting. Here’s how I dealt with it.

In a sadness tailspin, I reached out to my future husband, who was in the midst of a two hour work meeting. So I reached out to my ex-husband (who knows our relationship the best of anyone) and he had some awesome advice for anyone who has a best friend that said no to being in your wedding party…