Andrea & Stacy

Those of you who have read my book will remember my aunties, Andrea & Stacy. I handed my bouquet off to them at our wedding. They'd gotten married a few months before us in 2004 … but then the law changed and they weren't married any more.

Since California law has changed again, they decided to get remarried this last weekend in small backyard ceremony. It was a simple and beautiful ceremony with a friend officiating and their dog helping out. I loved that they chose hydrangea bouquets — just like mine. And of course I took photos.

…Now, let's just hope they can STAY married.

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Comments on The Offbeat Aunties

  1. Congratulations, Andrea & Stacy! I pray that one day we will live in a country that treats all people equally.

  2. HOW BEAUTIFUL! I love that they kept their glasses on.

    I pray that they will be able to stay married too, and that more parts of our country become as open-minded as California.

    I voted against the ban in VA two years ago, but it passed. Apparently, Virginia is NOT for lovers!

  3. Congratulations Andrea and Stacy! Your wedding was beautiful – I love the picture of you dancing after the reception. And hey, just think of it this way – your marriage was so nice, you got to do it twice! I can’t wait until this country wakes up and embraces love.

  4. Congratulations to your aunties! Fortunately for them and all the people the gay people that are already married in California their marriages are safe even if prop 8 passes, but that doesn’t mean certain groups won’t fight to try to have them annulled. The best way to show your support is to kick some money over to the no on prop 8 campaign that was posted in this post. Even if you don’t live in California your contribution brings us one step closer to bringing marriage equality to all the states!

  5. How AMAZING for your aunties. Congratulations to both of them – and they look incredible and SO happy. Love the passing on of the bouquet in lieu of throwing, and the new tradition you’ve created in your family – what a sweet, sweet gesture.

  6. This was my favorite part of your whole book, so naturally this made me tear up 🙂 Luis is right, by the way, their marriage will stay legally binding no matter what happens in November, and that is effing progress! I actually have a lot of faith in California voters this year, I think we’ll make it stick!

    Thank you for posting this. Each gay wedding I’ve gotten to witness this year has filled my heart in ways that I will remember for the rest of my life.

    Let’s hear it for marriage!!

  7. Congratulations! I am so happy for you both. I hope soon everyone will be able to enjoy the same rights

  8. Since I’m planning my own lesbian wedding, I love seeing pictures of others. Congratulations to them!

  9. Oh, they used hydrangeas! I’m going to as well, I’ve always thought they were amazing.

    Why are people so ridiculous? Love isn’t based on anatomy.

  10. I gotta ask where did they find those wedding dresses?? They looked soooo pretty I been looking for those kind of dresses for my own wedding but cant seem to find those kind of dresses, flowy not all white and laces as well. Beautiful wedding! Congrats to you both to get to do it twice!

  11. This totally made me tear up…..

    I realized that one month from today I will be holding my brides hand, with most of our 14 nieces & nephews looking on! We are soooooo lucky to live in California! We waited for 16 years and the day is almost here!

    Congrats to Andrea & Stacy, and all the other gay couples!!!!

  12. Oh!!! The picture is beautiful. They look happy, and in love. There is such a feeling of peace in that picture…

  13. CONGRATS!!!!!!! And what a stunning couple!!! I love this picture!!! May they live a long, happy, love-filled life together!!! <3

  14. so awesome!!!! thanks for posting! so nice to see other lesbian weddings out there! i’m so, so grateful i live in california–let’s hope our rights remain intact after november!

    i love the bouquets (love hydrangeas!) and doggie participation.

  15. As a proud canadian and someone who truly believes that LOVE is all that matters… CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    I’m so sorry your first wedding was legally disolved due to some weak-minded and near-sighted politicians but I’m glad you both made the best of it and decided to celebrate again in style!!!

  16. CONGRATULATIONS! I hope they can stay married, the state should have no say in who marries whom. They both look stunning! and its making me all misty eyed to think about the possibility of them not being able to stay married :/

  17. I agree with Meg: the story of you passing your bouquet to your Aunties was one of my favorites in your book…It is beautiful getting to see them holding their own bouquets!

  18. YAY! Your Aunties RAWK! My sis and sis-in-law went to CA this last summer to become legally married 2 years after their wedding. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it becomes legal everywhere for same sex marriages. Here’s to hoping!

  19. HOW AWESOME!! That’s wonderful for your aunties. All I know is Prop 8 better not pass or I’m going to lose all faith in humanity. (maybe not all, but you know…)

  20. I for one am touched that everyone who’s commented has said only kind things about this wedding. So what’s the big deal? I’m a Californian, and will be proud to attend my friends Ralph and Philip’s wedding in two weeks. But we’re getting tons of out-of-state money coming here in support of a ballot measure that would deny same-sex couples the right to marry. Why can’t people see that no one’s marriage is capable of “destroying the institution of marriage”? What kind of a threat do these two sweet aunties pose to ANYONE?

  21. So pretty!
    And I’m super excited, because one of your aunties is wearing my dress! (The one on the right in the above photo.)
    For cynzia – that dress is from David’s Bridal, but it’s been discontinued! Check it out to see if they have any left – I got mine for a steal. 🙂

  22. […] For me, marriage equality is about family values. As any of you who’ve read my book know, Andreas and I both come from gay families. His mom (my “outlaw mother”) has been with her partner since Andreas was 12. My mother and her partner had a non-legal wedding in 2006. My aunt and her partner of 17 years just got legally married (for the second time!) in California last month. […]

  23. […] For me, marriage equality is about family values. As any of you who’ve read my book know, Andreas and I both come from gay families. His mom (my “outlaw mother”) has been with her partner since Andreas was 12. My mother and her partner had a non-legal wedding in 2006. My aunt and her partner of 17 years just got legally married (for the second time!) in California last month. […]

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