It's the most wonderful time of the weeeeek. At least it is for me, because on Mondays I get to show you my favorite photos from your fellow readers. This week you'll see lots of beautiful outdoor weddings, ridiculously happy couples, intimate moments, and some red, white, blue and black.
After Liz and Suraj exchanged vows, they got showered with flower petals. Apparently they were “peeing their pants laughing during the ceremony.” Loves it.
Tash and Sean are The Gyronauts, a hula hoop duo from Texas. They got married in a whirlwind of love, fire, and PVC tubing. This is their first dance to Rock ‘N' Roll Suicide. You'll see more on this crazy/cool couple next week.
Here are Maureen and Derek standing in front of Arbroath Harbour. I love the kilt, the colors, the water, the ships and of course the shoes.
I know Bethany and Deanna's yellow color scheme doesn't exactly fit into this week's Monday Montage but they're just so damn cute. In my defense this photo is outdoors and they are standing in front of something blue.
Aww, look at Sarah and her daughter having an intimate moment.

A cancelled flight, a Yoda pinata, and the couple zorbing in their wedding gear... yep, this wedding is awesome!
Kat and Bear had a DIY, cottage wedding with their dogs and kids. They made their blue wedding outfits themselves…
…Check out their their celtic-inspired, matching Medieval Moccasins.
Speaking of medieval times, As You Wish Events sent this photo our way of Christina and James' fairy-tale wedding, for real. The entire day was a whimsical princess fantasy, where all the guests were brought back to an ancient time.
Justin and Bich just dropped down the rabbit hole… At least their Mad Hatter Tea Party themed wedding made it appear so! Bich is Vietnamese and Justin is Australian so they wanted to fuse traditions from Western and Eastern cultures. Their wedding theme allowed them to seamlessly blend a traditional Vietnamese Tea Ceremony in before they exchanged vows during their Catholic ceremony.
Diane and Nicolas' had a theater/Shakespearean/pseudo-Tudor/British/Harry-potterish wedding theme. (Say that five times fast.) At any rate, they look fantastic. Just look at how epic the back of her dress is.
Damn, this bride certainly knows how to enter a room!
Last but not least, get an eyeful of these SHOES!
Hey, photographers! I love you and do my best to attribute all Monday Montage photos, but sometimes brides don't include your info when they submit photos. If I've featured your work but it isn't properly credited, email me!
I’m going to have dreams about Maureen’s shoes
Me too girl!
Blue dress, purple curls and mini-top hat? i need to know more about this bride!!
Also: shoes. drool.
I want to hear more about the a theater/Shakespearean/pseudo-Tudor/British/Harry-potterish wedding theme 😀
Lovely pictures as always offbeat
eeeek! that’s me and my wife! thank you so much!!
yay! so lucky to be in the monday montage along with many other fabulous, unique brides! woooo
Thanks a lot for featuring us! And all those weddings look epic.
I feel honoured to be featured in the Monday Montage! (I’m the one in the turquoise Victorian outfit). Everyone’s so gorgeous!
I definitely like to think I know how to enter a room. The music that accompanied my entrance was “Path” by Apocalyptica ( One guest commented that he almost expected people abseiling in from the roof! 😀
can we please have the flickr pic link for this one:
“Photo by Jennifer Yarbro of As You Wish Events
Speaking of medieval times, Christina and James had a fairy-tale wedding, for real. The entire day was a whimsical princess fantasy, where all the guests were brought back to an ancient time.”
it links to Jenn’s sites and i can’t find the wedding on either of them (with ease at least)
AH, that one is a different story — As You Wish Events contacted us with some photos and that one was so awesome I threw it to Coco to put in the Monday Montage, so there’s no flickr link. And, as far as I can tell, there’s no public online gallery anywhere. Sorry. 🙁
UPDATE: I got us a link to that wedding’s public gallery! Who loves ya baby.
The red rose shoes are mine! And that’s my momma rocking the black and white. YAY!
We did have some very rad shoes going on there… 🙂 Yay! Famous Feet.