Sometimes I look at things that I would love to have for my wedding and I feel a little niggling of the green-eyed monster. Yep, wedding jealousy happens to the best of us. When that happens, however, I go through a little process of self-questioning:
How to get over wedding jealousy?
Ask yourself these five questions:
- Do you want it because you love it and it would make you happy, or do you just want it because someone else has it and it looks cool?
- If you truly love it, what would you need to do/sacrifice/purchase/work for in order to get it?
- …Are you willing to do that?
- If not, is there an alternative that you might love just as much that is feasibly within your grasp?
- If no, then let it go. It's just one thing, and there are so many things in life, beautiful things, heartfelt things, things that are your own. Just because you let this one thing go doesn't mean that there isn't a whole world of other possibilities out there for you.
That goes for wedding decor, items, ceremony details, words, dates, etc.. etc… Let it go.
When it comes down to it, there are probably only a small handful of things in relation to your wedding that your heart will completely break if you don't have. Focus your energy there, and let the rest go.
What if I'm having wedding jealousy over a friend or family member's wedding?
And when it comes to being jealous of other people's weddings, I have to heartily agree with this Offbeat Bride article. It is rare that anyone is doing something *to* you. More than likely, they haven't given a single thought about you or anything relating to your wedding. They're just doing their thing. You need to own that your reaction to their behavior is YOURS.
Be accountable for your emotional reactions.
The sometimes uncomfortable truth is that very little revolves around us, and very few people think about what things mean to us as much as we do. Sometimes it's necessary to look at the situation from a more objective perspective.
An impressive photo, but a difficult subject. Valuable advice. I like!