Non-naked arches, gazebos, and chuppahs — an archway bling roundup
Looking for some ceremony archway inspiration? We have seen some awesome arches, gazebo decorations, and chuppahs. Folks are spiffing up their ceremony space with all kinds of things like paper pom-poms, signs, fans, light sabers, ribbons, and some are even making their own arches. Check out some of our faves and put some bling on that archway.
Vintage snack: classic 1950s, lacy goodness
We’re all loving long sleeves these days, but the more I look at these vintage submissions, the more I love them. A full skirt, luscious sleeves, classic veil… check out this 1950s gorgeousness.
Emergency kits for your BBQ wedding reception
We wanted to make favors that would be useful, so I totally borrowed an idea from the welcome bag with an awesome, party-friendly, “emergency kit” post and decided to make the perfect wedding BBQ emergency kit!
Companion cube + cake = Portal wedding invitations
We originally brought you the Portal wedding cake. And then there was the engagement proposal as an elaborate Portal 2 level, and conceptual Portal wedding rings. But you have yet to see Portal wedding invitations… until NOW! Dun dun dun.