Category Archive

Wedding Inspo

When you’re planning a wedding, really good wedding photography can almost be like looking at dirty pictures! This is our archive of posts focused more on wedding photography (and less on written explanations).

Screen shot 2011 11 15 at 11.09.35 AM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Save the Dates in action LITERALLY with Save the Date videos

Do you remember that time I freaked out about the couple who made a Save the Date video parody of an iPad commercial? Since that time our darling offbeat brides have produced so many more freak out-worthy Save the Date videos. We’re talking Family Matters parodies, animated Legos, and Steampunk and stop-motion videos galore.

pgs 110911 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Wedding parties gone wild: bad-ass couples and group shots

The wedding parties took over the Offbeat Flickr Pool with their jumps, sunglasses, and major bad-assery in this week’s Monday Montage. It may just make you want to join in and bust a move. Not that I did. Ahem.

cd 1 11111 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Vintage snack: an army uniform and a pillbox hat in Egypt

Caroline is our illustrious copyeditor who keeps the editors in check with her grammar whip. She also has some cute photos of her grandparents’ wedding from 1944 that were definitely worth showing. You’ve got to love a dame in a pillbox hat and her uniformed fella.

click me page2 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Adorable emailed wedding invitations with dinosaurs and monsters

We got a special surprise in our email the other day, not only was it a sweet reader mail, but it include a link to, quite possibly, the cutest emailed wedding invitations I’ve ever seen. Seriously, at one point there’s an adorable T-rex who photo bombs a picture of a New York city sky line.