A bookstore same-sex wedding with Dirty Dancing twist
This New York City wedding boasts a book store setting, lovely fashion, pretty Ketubah, and one of the cutest choreographed first dance numbers on record. Get ready for total adorableness and lots of movie references. Because nobody puts this wedding in a corner, okay?
Geeky terrarium centerpieces FTW!
Yes, that Tardis terrarium is only a taste of the wonder that is Erin and Peter’s jaw-dropping centerpieces with tiny geeky references in glass jars.
Star Wars, duct tape, steampunk cupcakes, and a little puppy love
The Offbeat Flickr Pool gave us more of what we love, people being frackin’ awesome! Star Wars, blue hair, steampunk cupcakes, Elvis… you can probably tell that this week’s Monday Montage is going crazy.
Moss-covered trees and tiny bees at this orange and green wedding
Seattle’s Urban Light Studios was the setting of this colorful and subtly bee-themed wedding in Seattle. With lovely moss-covered foliage and chic decor, this event had tons of class and lots of eclectic touches… plus a stuffed lion. And since it was held in April, it makes the perfect addition to our spring theme week.