Mini top hat tutorial: you can totally make these little adorable things
Tribesmaid “Bees” is trying to make sure that all of our heads look adorable from now on. She wrote up a tutorial on how to make those fabulous mini top hats/fascinators, now get to crafting…
How to make paper hearts on a string on the cheap and pretty
Amanda needed to decorate about a half acre of her woodland picnic area wedding venue on the cheap. So she came up with the idea of making these paper hearts on a string. They look awesome so it was no wonder that OBTers demanded a tutorial. And so she kindly obliged…
Turn plain ‘ol Crayons into crafty customizable gifts using ice trays!
I love finding new ideas for wedding favors that are both geeky AND useful! Check out craftsy wedding favor idea that involves Lego men, Space Invaders and crayons.
DIY shirt bleaching tutorial: make things infinitely better by ruining them!
Bleaching fabric is the EASIEST way to customize a shirt for your wedding (or party, or for fun…) This video tutorial got us started.