Will your DIY bouquet be made out of these dried billy balls?
Craspedia, billy buttons, billy balls, and my favorite term, woollyheads… whatever you call them, they make such an adorable bouquet. They remind me of little velvet balls and come in amazing colors. They’ll last even longer if you snag yourself some dried billy balls for a DIYed bouquet.
Here are some jewel-toned beauties from Etsy that we’d looooove to see in a bouquet.
Not into sugar? This literal cheese cake is your savory cake alternative
Darcy and Jasper had one of the most rockin-est (yeah, it’s a word!) weddings ever. “Drunken gay glamour” sets the tone nicely. One little detail that we hadn’t seen in quite some time was their literal cheese cake, a savory cake alternative for the less sweets-minded. Stacked cheese is always goooood.
Food festival-inspired finger foods for your wedding menu
I recently went to a big food festival featuring the best restaurants in LA. Because it was a festival, all the bites were of the finger food variety. And, because of my job, I couldn’t help but think “these would be great at a wedding!”
So, fellow Offbeat Foodies, here are my food festival-inspired finger foods that would be perfect for weddings…
Take your wedding flower crown obsession to the next level
We love ourselves a good veil, but the bohemian-fabulous trend of flower crowns is not-to-be-missed. Nothing tops a fabulously colored dress or wildly colored hair like a wedding flower crown, too. Top our noggins with flowers all day, every day.
From flora to greenery and succulents to unicorn horns, you MUST see these wedding flower crowns of all shapes and varieties.