Simple afternoon tea wedding menu
Now that we’re back to catering our own wedding (with major help from the wedding party), I whipped up a concrete version of the simple afternoon tea wedding menu that’s been running around in my head. I’m aiming to keep this very very simple to spare us stress and cost and time.
Get great wedding photo opps with a life-size cardboard cut-out
Sometimes you need to have your favorite Wookiee at your wedding. Tribesmaid Carly had a life-size cut-out of one of her favorite Star Wars characters, Chewbacca, at her reception.
Pretty vintage wedding accessories: capelets, gloves, headpieces, and more!
I normally focus my Friday posts on alternative wedding shoes, today I think I’m going to spend some time with vintage wedding accessories.
Part of wanting to spend some time with them is just that the pictures are so dang pretty. I love this aesthetic… vintage-y, romantic, lovely. It’s just so dang pretty.
A ball field wedding with old-time charm
This wedding reminds me of small town festivals and parades with sparklers. Robyn and Mick are both hardcore kickball players, so they decided to hold their ceremony on the kickball field itself, with a tented reception at Mick’s parents’ house in Lawrence, KS. The ceremony boasted an electric guitar Star-Spangled Banner solo, readings from Shel Silverstein and J.R.R. Tolkien, a ring dog, and a dog flower bearer