Nicole and Katie’s romantic, multicultural, garden wedding
Many thanks to Maureen of dreamy Public Market kissing photo fame for alerting us to the amazingness of Nicole and Katie’s wedding. I got in touch with Nicole who gave me some glorious porn to tide you over until they submit their wedding profile.
A ring pillow alternative that just might melt your face off
Katie and her fiance really struggled to come up with something cool for their ring bearer to carry. After much discussion about action figures, stuffed animals, etc., inspiration finally hit while they watching Raiders of the Lost Ark…
Monday Montage: historically-inspired wedding outfits of epic proportions
After browsing the Offbeat Bride Flickr pool this week, I started obsessing over all of these fabulously ornate and historically influenced wedding costumes. Let me tell you, the details on these outfits are impressive. Now, I share with you a couple of fabulous Renn Faire dresses, some stately steampunk gear, and two fantastic vintage duos.
Telluride heli-skiing wedding!
Kari and Todd’s “Awesome Telluride Wedding” in Colorado lasted for almost a week with many wedding-y adventures, including Heli-skiing!