A wedding in Miami with boots, Wai-Ching, and funnel cake
Liz and Cristina got married in Miami and spent the entire day together, including donning their Wai-Ching dresses, colorful boots, and bacon earrings. Mark and Raven of [vendor-heart link="http://vendors.offbeatwed.com/2011/leah-and-mark"]Leah and Mark Photography[/vendor-heart] captured all the fun and have shared it with us.
A Gorn groom, Super Freak dancing, and a Bender card box
Everyone in the Offbeat Flickr pool pulled out their crazy hats with dancing, masks, funky socks, carrying each other around, and general mayhem. It was ultra fun this week for geeks, nerdfighters, and Futurama fans. Check out the full moon madness in this week’s Monday Montage.
Vintage snack: lots of pink, a yin yang cake, and the offbeat gene
A lot of our vintage wedding submissions are gorgeous and offbeat in their own ways, but sometimes we run across one of those early pioneers in DIY and bucking tradition. This wedding in 1985 boasted a pink outfit, a pot luck dinner, a homemade yin yang cake.
Love at high altitude: a ski wedding near Mount Rainier
These two are outdoorsy folks and decided that a ski resort was the place they wanted to make their union official at 6,872 feet. What they ended up with was an unbelievably blue sky, crisp mountain air, and amazing photos, all before the resort even opened!