Wedding parties gone wild: bad-ass couples and group shots
The wedding parties took over the Offbeat Flickr Pool with their jumps, sunglasses, and major bad-assery in this week’s Monday Montage. It may just make you want to join in and bust a move. Not that I did. Ahem.
From last minute to last man standing, Shindig Events will pull off one amazing event
So remember the Offbeat Empire party that happened last month? Kelli from Shindig Events is the one who made it happen. Today, I’m here to tell you what she can make happen for you.
Freaking out over Jeffrey Campbell shoes for your wedding
A lot of these shoes are, ah, high concept. If you’re looking for timeless romanticism, look elsewhere. These shoes most definitely do NOT fit with simple weddings week. Jeffrey Cambell’s shoes defy gravity, defy the boundaries of good taste, and probably defy your more conservative family members who would get a peek at this sticking out from under your dress and be all OMG!
Vintage snack: an army uniform and a pillbox hat in Egypt
Caroline is our illustrious copyeditor who keeps the editors in check with her grammar whip. She also has some cute photos of her grandparents’ wedding from 1944 that were definitely worth showing. You’ve got to love a dame in a pillbox hat and her uniformed fella.