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Stuff we love

Whether you’re looking for unique wedding dresses, wedding shoes, cute wedding invitations, nontraditional wedding rings, or an offbeat wedding photographer… chances are you’ll find ’em here. Start by browsing our Vendor Directory for vendors in YOUR area, and then have fun with these posts to find online wedding dressmakers, photographers, and more!

b4909bfa944dd10ce48696787d6e0fec alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Boots, baubles, and runners: killer decor for your church wedding

We’ve done tons of posts about outdoor ceremony decor, window decor, even porta potty decor! But what about offbeat decor options when you’re getting married in a church, that may or may not place limitations on what you can do? Church brides want funky decor options, too — so we’ve rounded up a metric butt load of awesome inspiration for ya.

sanging 030112 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Laughing, hooting, and hollering: a seriously happy Monday Montage

First dances, Rock Band playing, a serious passion for grilled cheese… this week’s Offbeat Flickr Pool submissions were all about the unbridled joy. It was like everyone got together and submitted the most happy, most excited, most danciest photos EVAR. And what better way to start a Monday than with a shot of crazy fun? Check out this loving feeling.

120110 Leah LaRiccia Adena and Ben alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Science geeks, dueling, and discounts from Massachusetts-based Leah LaRiccia Photography

About a year ago I showed you the greatness that is offbeat vendor and Massachusetts-based wedding photographer Leah LaRiccia through this amazing Demolition Derby wedding porn. She’s back and has offered up some of the greatest smattering of wedding photos I’ve ever seen. I bet you’re asking yourself how the HELL is she going to top a freaking Demolition Derby wedding!?

Vivienne Westwood by Melissa Lady DragonVII alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

White bridal shoes that are full of OMG WUTness

White footwear can sometimes slip through the cracks of my “all color, all the time” gnat-like attention span. If shoes aren’t louder than loud, I’ll admit it: sometimes I don’t notice them quite as much.

Today, however, I am saluting the power of the great white wedding shoe. As you can see from this amazing winged Vivienne Westwood pump here, white does NOT have to mean boring. I’ve got a few options for you below, ranging from pure and snowy all the way to blood-splattered and cherry-picked.