Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy + Penguin books = mindbogglingly awesome wedding invitation
What if The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was published by Penguin Books? Now what if that Penguin Books version of The Hitchhiker’s Guide was turned into a wedding invitation? It might look something like this…
Bookish wedding ideas for all of you bibliophiles [UPDATED!]
This week we’re paying homage to the academics, the bookworms, the card-carrying library loiterers, and the literati among our readers. So in addition to our usual round-up of reader submissions via Flickr and Pinterest, we’re showcasing some bookish wedding details including decor made from book pages, bookish cake toppers, table numbers from vintage books, and even a Scrabble cake!
A Rube Goldberg machine and epic gamefest wedding
This wedding wasn’t about dancing or put-on formality. Instead, it was about good old fashioned FUN and a whole lot of games. One of the main events was having all the guests help build a Rube Goldberg machine! Also included: a pop quiz about the couple, homemade cookies and milk, a ceremony officiated by “The Rev for Whatev,” jump ropes, giant dominoes, and tons of toys.
Wedding beverage dispensers to make your guests drool [Updated for 2022!]
If you’re thinking of setting out hydration stations at your summer wedding wedding, here are a few options that will not only serve up yummy liquids, but will match your wedding decor — from vintage-style to nerdy and gothic.