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Stuff we love

Whether you’re looking for unique wedding dresses, wedding shoes, cute wedding invitations, nontraditional wedding rings, or an offbeat wedding photographer… chances are you’ll find ’em here. Start by browsing our Vendor Directory for vendors in YOUR area, and then have fun with these posts to find online wedding dressmakers, photographers, and more!

554799 394565797268007 1827944990 n alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Swedish fairy ceremony: a sneak peak from the cherry blossom brides!

You just might remember these two ladies from a certain very flowery and pink ceremony in Sweden. The Stockholm city hall wedding was only their first ceremony to make it official.

Tribesmaid Risinginluv and her groom Cory tie the knot at Golden Gardens Park on Puget Sound. Photo by a friend of the couple.

A Sonic Screwdriver bouquet, a cave wedding, and one familiar couple

We’ve seen Tribesmaids Kiona and Jennifer before in this sneaky peeky of their engagement photos. So when I saw this wedding photo show up on the Tribe, I snagged it right up! Sometimes the Tribe, the Offbeat Flickr Pool, and Pinterest just give us a little more awesomeness than usual. This is one of those weeks.

td 062112 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Offbeat Brides make their own customized Mixbooks and LOVE IT

Every once in awhile I find myself at a party and someone whips out a scrapbook that they’ve spent hours and hours making, and I’m always taken aback by how awesome it looks… and how I really don’t want to do that much work. You don’t have to be a scrapbooking junkie to get a customized album for your wedding photos. We teamed up with our sponsor Mixbook to give some of our featured couples (like Trisha and Matthew above!) the opportunity to take their photos and make an album online.

alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Indian culture meets American tradition in these two ceremonies

Two heritages, two weddings, two times the swanky wedding! Lauren and Ben chose to host the ceremonies over two days to honor the families involved. They decided to use the color red to add some cohesion to the ceremonies and into the reception. All of the events were held at a vinyard in Braselton, Georgia called Chateau Elan, which looks gorgeously swanky.