Do I need a wedding bouquet? Yay or Nay alternatives for no-bouquet wedding
If you’re asking yourself “Do I even need a wedding bouquet?” here’s a shareable list of reasons for and against bouquets, along with some interesting bouquet alternatives.
Offbeat plus-size wedding dresses for your 2022 wedding
If you’re getting married in 2021, there’s a decent chance that you actually wanted to get married last year, and had to delay. You may have already picked your dress out, or you may be on the hunt for the perfect plus-size wedding dress from a dressmaker who really gets inclusive sizing. So for all of us scrambling to get married after the shitshow that was 2020, I’m rounding up some of the best plus-size wedding dresses I’ve seen so far this year. And because this is Offbeat Bride, you’ll find lots of bold colors and design elements like separates, embroidery, high-low hems, gothic vibes, and more!
Is this the best undercut wedding hairstyle OF ALL TIME!?
Today we’re here to talk about one very specific thing, and that very specific thing is this amazing undercut wedding hairstyle, rocked by Anna at her Jewish-Mexican wedding in Oxford, England. Anna’s asymmetrical undercut wedding hair is impeccably styled, so let’s take a look at it from every possible angle.
This nonbinary wedding outfit shows what’s possible with gender-nonconforming wedding attire
Here at Offbeat Bride, we’re no newbs when it comes to gender nonconforming wedding attire. But this photoshoot? THIS photoshoot?!? It sets a new standard for what’s possible with nonbinary wedding outfits.