Category Archive

Real Weddings: Western US

Here are some of the most freaky fabulous weddings from the shores of the Best West Coast all the way to the Rocky Mountain states, including Seattle weddings, Portland weddings, California weddings, and more. Submit your wedding for consideration via

rustic vintage nerdy 42 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Our nerdy post-elopement party with a D20 dice kissing game

We had already had our elopement last year, so we wanted this post-elopement party to be a simple but nerdy event to celebrate with some of our friends and family.

you need a wedding planner marion matrimony events Adrianne Michelle Photo1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

This stunning wedding shows why you need a wedding planner

Still wondering why you need a wedding planner? Marion Matrimony Events brought us this incredible wedding with a special surprise inside the groom’s suit, but we were extra amazed by how she coordinated this 200+ guest wedding with an Air Force couple stationed in Japan. It was just a great reminder that Wedding Planners = Genius Creative Problem Solvers and we love them a lot.

Holy Grail of Kitsch wedding 31 scaled alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A quirky thrift store wedding sealed with a kitsch

When we say it was a thrift store wedding, WE MEAN IT! Check out the troll dolls, VHS tape centerpieces, the rotary phone, and a gorgeous second-hand wedding dress.

Multicultural Feminist Weirdos Found family Sensory Microwedding 18 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Sensory-friendly wedding: how one bride avoided overload

Maybe our can give comfort to the weirdo who feels they fit too many ‘offbeat’ tags; the immigrant who loves a culture that doesn’t always respect them; the ill who can’t handle the sensory toll; the traumatized who struggles to believe that they are loved; the abused who can’t bring themselves to cut a toxic cord…