Category Archive

Real Weddings: Western US

Here are some of the most freaky fabulous weddings from the shores of the Best West Coast all the way to the Rocky Mountain states, including Seattle weddings, Portland weddings, California weddings, and more. Submit your wedding for consideration via

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Jessi & Sean’s Outdoor Vintage Scooter Wedding

The Offbeat Bride: Jessi (aka. “Cupcake” or OBT member “Cupcake Pharaoh“) — massage therapist/artist/pet sitter extraordinaire! Her Offbeat Partner: Sean (aka. “Sweetpea”) — Grocery Store Manager and scooter aficionado Location & date of wedding: The Albuquerque Press Club (and Highland park below it), Albuquerque NM — May 16th, 2009 What made our wedding offbeat: We […]

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Lucy & Travis’ Color Saturated Amusement Wedding

You might recall these amazing green wedding shoes that made Ariel wet her pants. Well here’s the scoop on the rest of OBT member LucyLu‘s wedding. The Offbeat Bride: Lucy, client services Her Offbeat Partner: Travis, engineer Location & date of wedding: Milwaukie Community Club Center, Milwaukie, OR — March 7th, 2009 What made our […]

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Miranda & Jake’s Themeless, Unrehearsed & Heartfelt Wedding

The Offbeat Bride: Miranda, copy editor Her Offbeat Partner: Jake, student/IT Location & date of wedding: San Francisco City Hall — Thursday(!), June 4, 2009 What made our wedding offbeat: As a kid, I never really dreamed of “My Big White Wedding.” I knew I wanted to marry Jake and I knew my mom would […]

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Teneisha & Chris’ Funky Las Vegas Wedding

The Offbeat Bride: Teneisha, Imagination Specialist Her Offbeat Partner: Chris, Graphic Designer Location & date of wedding: Ceremony- Valley of the Falls, Mandalay Bay, Vegas. Reception- Foundation Room, House of Blues, Vegas. After Party- The Luxor, Vegas — May 23, 2009 What made our wedding offbeat: The objective for our wedding (besides getting married) was […]