Our Californian / Honduran wedding was a fuchsia family laugh-fest
We had a Lasso Ceremony which was new for my family, but common in Latin American Catholic weddings. The lasso is a large, double looped rosary, which is placed over the shoulders of the couple after their vows. A prayer is said about how the lasso represents two parts bound together while sharing equally in the responsibilities of the marriage.
Nina & Tom’s super fun transportation wedding in Seattle
Nina & Tom rented the SLUT (South Lake Union Trolley) for their wedding ceremony! Following the Trolley ride/ceremony, they took everyone on a duck tour of Seattle.
Carla & Jon’s intimate and enchanted forest wedding
Carla & Jon had an enchanted forest wedding in an incredibly magical looking hobbit house shaped like a gnomish hat! However, due to California’s legislated exclusion of gay marriage they chose not to get legally married until they were in the more fair-minded state of Iowa!
Lenore & Andrew’s “Young At Heart” Park Wedding
Lenore & Andrew aren’t quite ready to grow up. So they used A LOT of bright colors, kids’ toys and games to help decorate. AND they had their wedding ceremony ON a jungle gym in a park! Then after they exchanged rings, they slid down the slide to end their ceremony.