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Real Weddings: Southern US

There are some who say the South will rise again — and it’s true, if you’re talking about Southern nontraditional weddings! From Atlanta to Texas and North Carolina to Florida, we love our Southern offbeat couples. Submit your wedding for consideration via

5828270611 526b9dbe59 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Stephanie & Charlie’s Mystery House rainbow wedding

Automatronic fortune tellers, multi-headed chickens, and Darrell the Doggigator abound! As if that wasn’t enough, just wait until you see the bride’s rainbow dress and wedding cake! Doggigator approves.

arty nye 071311 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Ginny & Adam’s arty New Year’s Eve wedding

The couple stands in front of a hand-painted sheet with Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” on it. Wait, what? Yep. And get ready for some beaded pomanders and a rad cake, too. Lots of awesome detail in this wedding!

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Tricia & Barrett’s floral-free chic art gallery wedding

No flowers, no cake, no joke: this a chic and funky do! This couple surrounded themselves with art, friends, and some amazing DIY projects and some cheap-and-chic centerpieces.

viking wed 062711 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Evangeline & Corey’s Norse viking wedding

A Norse viking negotiates his bride’s dowry and I think he lucked out. Evangeline handmade the outfits for the entire wedding party! That’s one crafty lady.

beachside 062011 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kyle & David’s multicultural beachside fiesta wedding

Kyle proved she would fight her way through brawling Marines to get to her groom. But it was worth it for the seaside view and awesome Mexican food at this Japanese-infused budget wedding.

pirate theater 061511 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Stacy & Tony’s pirate theatrical classic rock wedding

This bride will eat fire for her wedding guests! Don’t think she won’t. And this couple saved a historic theater in the process of planning their hitchening. Determined? To say the least.