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Real Weddings: Northeast US

From New England to New York and Rhode Island to Long Island, couples in the Northeast have their own distinct brand of offbeat. A little urban, and little upstate, and a bit of an edge — we love you East Coast offbeat couples! Submit your wedding for consideration via

doc martens as wedding shoes on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Mich & Dan’s gothic Transformers and cupcakes wedding

Tribe moderator Mich has a flair for DIY and it totally shows in her handmade dress, fascinator, shawl, bridesmaid dress, and 1000 paper cranes! And that’s not even listing everything. The rest of the story involves Transformers, gothic red and black details, and some of the sweetest dance moves, including a man-on-man Dirty Dancing lift.

joy gif 022112 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Corinne & Mike’s Motown and movies Irish wedding

Tons of DIY, an awesome first look with which we had to tinker, a mashed potato bar, an all-Motown-all-the-time reception, and a favorite movie theme means lots of amazing personal touches. Plus, the bride saves the day with a bridesmaid dress snafu. Fair warning: get your tissues ready for their favorite moment.

Sylvester McLean Studio SMC Photography 0278111111 low alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Heather & Diane’s snowy mountain lodge wedding

This pair focused on the places and tokens that meant the most to them. Their venue, concert ticket table numbers, and even a cute feather fascinator had meaning. And when a snowstorm took away the option of an outdoor ceremony, their indoor alternative turned out better than ever. These ladies know how to plan an intimate and personal celebration (with awesome winter coats!).

chupp 021012 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Caroline & Aimee’s three-day lesbian movie theatre wedding

Their first date was at a theatre and their wedding was held in that same place. D’aww! These two ladies are social butterflies since they had their son, and the sheer amount of people wanting to show their love meant they had to plan for it — in the form of a three-day celebration!

veggie wedding on offbeat wed alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Our beach and buttons veggie wedding

On top of the couple’s awesome ink and gorgeous venue (with carousel!), there was also a beach just made for dipping. Not only did the groom’s guys take the plunge, the bride ended up swimming too, dress and all! With a button-y bouquet and vegetarian menu, this was never destined to be your typical beach-side soiree.

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Jessica & Jason’s traditional Jewish and performance wedding

A couple who meets while learning lightsaber combat would certainly have a Star Wars theme in mind, right? Not these two. Their offbeat-ness comes straight from their traditional choices! They decided on a very traditional Jewish ceremony…