Naomi & Casey’s punk rock Iowa wedding
The offbeat bride: Naomi Her offbeat partner: Casey Location & date of wedding: First Assembly Church Chapel in Cedar Rapids, IA. November 1, 2008 What made our wedding offbeat: For starters, I wore a black dress. It was actually a bridesmaid’s dress, which made it tons cheaper. Then, we did almost everything ourselves. I made […]
Erin & Chris’ Brady-Bunched on the beach wedding
“I said vows to Chris’s biological children, and he said vows to mine. It just formalized the incredible bond we already have with each other.”
Natalie & Nick’s Red Queen Garden Party Wedding
The offbeat bride: Natalie, Graphic Artist Her offbeat partner: Nick, Finance Officer Location & date of wedding: Newstead Park Rotunda, Brisbane, Australia on April 19th, 2008 What made our wedding offbeat: I wore a red gown that I designed myself that was inspired in part by the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland, Victorian fashions […]
Jenn & Cody’s Colorful Rock Concert with a Twist Wedding
The offbeat bride: Jenn, Musician and Music Teacher Her offbeat partner: Cody, Social Security Location & date of wedding: City Arts Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on June 28th, 2008 What made our wedding offbeat: We had a wedding with a concert theme, or rather a rock concert with a wedding in the middle. Our […]