Jamie & Mengmeng’s geeky Corgi-loving wedding
Jamie and Mengmeng (Jameng, as the tabloids call them) rocked a Chinese-influenced, geek-tastic, Joss Whedon-loving wedding celebrating all of their favorite interests. Get ready for chopsticks, Corgis, and a Serenity cake.
Stephanie & Peter’s technicolor candy house wedding
Surrounded by a technicolor wonderland house, a bride in a purple and black dress fits right in. She and her top-hatted groom had a witness-by-lottery, Pixy Stix centerpieces, and somehow overcame a major bus malfunction to rock the night away in New York.
Kristy & Kevin’s colorful crafty Midwest barn dance wedding
This couple decided one day wasn’t enough, so they crafted an entire weekend of fun for their crew with a 5K, a barbecue, and bike rides. Somehow they managed all this while DIYing almost all of the elements of this gorgeous farm wedding.
Natalie & James’ day out at the zoo wedding
Lions and tigers and crystal trees, oh my! Getting hitched and feeding giraffes may not be on everyone’s wedding day agenda, but for this couple, it’s all in a day’s work. Check out their zoological, offbeat lite nuptials.