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Real Offbeat Weddings

We love featuring a truly diverse range of real weddings, from highly stylized theme weddings to elopements to simple and small weddings. Submit your wedding for consideration via

hjuijhiu 122811 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Cara & Kit’s motorcycling hula-hooping waterfall wedding

Things that rock about this wedding: DIY barefoot sandals, hula hoops, scenery to die for (or at least get a ticket from a park ranger for!), infectious smiles, and a motorcycle getaway. When the bridal headpiece is a motorcycle helmet, you know you’re dealing with some kick-ass people.

new years eve wedding on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Shannon & Brad’s vintage-inspired New Year’s Eve wedding

Another year closes and lucky for us, some of our couples choose to have their wedding on New Year’s Eve! With winter decor, festive hats, noise makers, and lots of DIY details, this pair made the official transition from best friends to married couple in grand style. Happy new year!

dnn 122611 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Lara & Mark’s fiery medieval-inspired handfast wedding

A ceremony at dusk with lanterns, candles, and lights. A black gown, fire-red hair, and fabulously rich-looking decor. The groom in leather armour and the bridesmaids in capes. Have I got you yet? Check out this forest wedding for all of this and more.

6125810284 0656aa372f alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Elizabeth & Eric’s spiritually artsy DIY playground wedding

We’ve featured lot of the DIY details from this wedding already, but this is finally the full story, including the best bits of all. The rainbow details, detachable dress, and the (somehow amazing) amateur photography are awesome — but just wait until you see the groom’s face as the bride walks down the aisle, and the adorbs ring bearer and his flying rings.