Rachele & Steve’s 3D graphic design wedding
When two graphic designers get married you’re sure to have something good to look at. In this case, it was their printed materials including programs, invites, save-the-dates, and seating chart. But the really amazing part was that they made them in 3D! The guests even donned 3D glasses to see the fun. But no glasses could have saved them from break dancing casualties.
Lauren & Chris’ polka dot bowling alley wedding
The bride loves owls, purple, and polka dots, while the groom likes plaid. Clashing? Hell no! Put it all together in a retro bowling alley and the deal is sealed. Some science-inspired vows and a Thriller interlude capped off the ceremony. Check out this retro-inspired wedding in California.
Erin & Jeff’s Scottish tartan and balloon animal wedding
A ruby red gown, lots of Scottish influences, and a friend with connections into a favorite photo setting meant a pretty stellar day for this couple. She’s theatrical, he brought the tartan — let’s get down and line dance! Just watch out for rogue balloon animals. Apparently they get around.
Helen & Julian’s English country garden wedding
Lots and lots of pink, a country church and school, and an English country guest house… all planned from across the world in Dubai. But these two are English at heart and brought the party to the family. Feast your eyes on the Union Jack shoes, pink accents, and sword cake cutting, too!