Helen & Julian’s English country garden wedding
Lots and lots of pink, a country church and school, and an English country guest house… all planned from across the world in Dubai. But these two are English at heart and brought the party to the family. Feast your eyes on the Union Jack shoes, pink accents, and sword cake cutting, too!
Cara & Kit’s motorcycling hula-hooping waterfall wedding
Things that rock about this wedding: DIY barefoot sandals, hula hoops, scenery to die for (or at least get a ticket from a park ranger for!), infectious smiles, and a motorcycle getaway. When the bridal headpiece is a motorcycle helmet, you know you’re dealing with some kick-ass people.
Shannon & Brad’s vintage-inspired New Year’s Eve wedding
Another year closes and lucky for us, some of our couples choose to have their wedding on New Year’s Eve! With winter decor, festive hats, noise makers, and lots of DIY details, this pair made the official transition from best friends to married couple in grand style. Happy new year!
Lara & Mark’s fiery medieval-inspired handfast wedding
A ceremony at dusk with lanterns, candles, and lights. A black gown, fire-red hair, and fabulously rich-looking decor. The groom in leather armour and the bridesmaids in capes. Have I got you yet? Check out this forest wedding for all of this and more.