Trisha & Matthew’s lots of DIY colorful wedding
I think if I were to hire a bride to make my own DIY details, this would be the one. She made awesome paper flowers and a rolled magazine page card box, but the most amazing contributions were the FABULOUS bridesmaid dresses and homemade cake — all of which look professional. This bride and her helpers have major talent. On top of it all, this pair is so damned cute that I will call them Squishies and they will be my Squishies.
Gillian & Mark’s offbeat lite transatlantic wedding
This wedding packs a visual punch with a gorgeous cathedral in Scotland, awesome kilts, and most amazing sunny day for the UK. The handmade dress (made by the bride’s mother!) is a testament to craftsmanship. Oh, and the gorgeous art deco-inspired cake, and unexpected wedding crashers are worth a look too!
A retro polka-dot cocktail party wedding
Retro dresses, victory rolls, in-ceremony Facebook updates, a pre-ceremony cocktail party, lots of polka-dots, and an impromptu feat of strength on the dance floor: it’s a retro wedding for everyone!
Carla & Matt’s intimate mountain cabin wedding
With only immediate family and close friends in tow, this pair capitalized on the most lovely time of the season with a cabin overlooking an amazing Autumn view. The fire pit and DIYed details made the rustic cabin the perfect aesthetic. Although they had to chase down the ring bearer to snag the rings, the cuteness of the moment was well worth it. His motto was: “Fire bad!”