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Real Weddings: Global

Although we’re based in the United States, we feature weddings from around the world — especially the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. Submit your wedding for consideration via

4835163643 e0faa29757 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Shelley & Wayne’s handmade colorful 1950s wedding

There are polka dot toy cars and a real light pink classic car! I’m having a retro polka dot, craftastic, doughnut cake orgasm over here. You will, too, when you see this wedding.

4538001067 b25734607a alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Donna & Kev’s black, white, and wonky wedding with monkeys!

I know the title gives it away, but there are monkeys! In a wedding dress and kilt! Flip through the slideshow for a special treat/horror/hilarity for Kilt Week wedding #2.

breastfeeding bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kate & Glen’s geeky, atheist, breastfeeding wedding

An Irish bride breastfeeding her baby — what could be better? Happy St. Paddy’s day from all of use at Offbeat Bride!

4063089175 2441b95391 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Clare & Shaun’s retro red industrial wedding

Let them eat (birdcage) cake! And wear red dresses with super poofy skirts with a big ass flower! Yes? Yes.