Why I worry when people say they want a “unique” wedding (let’s talk about authenticity vs. attention)
“We’re thinking of having all our parents walk us down the aisle together,” you say to a friend, and then watch for a smile or a twitch of the eyelid. Did that smile mean they like it? Or did it mean they’re just being nice? Shit, I can’t tell! Now I think I’m going to have an anxiety vomit all over the floor!
Construction is always more difficult than demolition
I don’t really care about what you DON’T want at your wedding. It’s easy to point at things other people have done and shout No! No! No!. But you know what’s much harder? Creating what you want.
Wedding overload: When to stop looking at wedding inspiration
If lusting after some fantasy of what you COULD have starts to interfere with the reality of enjoying what you’ve ACTUALLY got… it’s time to stop looking at wedding photos.
You might be an Offbeat Bride if…
…you ask a bride-to-be what color her dress is and she says, “Like, do you mean ivory vs. white?” and you remember not everyone considers red/purple/rainbow/polka-dotted dresses for their wedding day.