The unplugged wedding: couples tell guests to put down their devices
Welcome to the era of the over-documented wedding, where even though you’ve hired someone to take photos, every guest has a camera and is live-tweeting the whole event. They’re there with you, but are they really present?
From Legos to the four-legged: ring pillow alternatives from offbeat brides
Offbeat Brides have had some really creative ideas when it comes to ways to hold/present/keep there rings safe — far beyond just a little satin pillow.
Ringing bearers: for weddings with lots of children
I went to some friends’ wedding a couple weeks ago, and they began their wedding-in-the-round ceremony with this wonderful thing I’d never seen before…
Smile! The new mustache?
Could this be the new alternative to the mustache meme? I don’t know, I hope so, because it’s kind of all sorts of freaky, silly, awesomeness.