OPEN THREAD: Biggest wedding disasters (and what to learn from them)
As the year ends, let’s all look back on this past years’ wedding season and ask ourselves: What was your biggest wedding disaster? We know you had things go wrong!
Sometimes the bad moments make the best stories. So let’s here yours…
Dear loved one who is not getting invited to my wedding…
We’ll skip the awkward well-wishing and wellness inquiries. I know you are angry. You’re probably hurting, maybe livid. You might be ready to cut me out of your life completely because you did not receive that magic little piece of paper in the mail. But here is the grown-up, bare-bones, truth: Not getting invited to my wedding does not mean being uninvited to my life.
Hashtags & grumpy old men photographers: 9 ways modern wedding photography has completely changed
Weddings have changed a lot in the past decade. Gone are the mandatory white dresses, stuffy venues, cookie-cutter details, and cheesy photos. Let’s talk about all the ways things have changed, including why there are so many grumpy old man wedding photographers…
How weddings & masturbation are more related than you think
Oh hi there. I have a couple of topics I’d like to discuss: wedding planning and masturbation. (Stay with me, here!)
Of course Offbeat Bride is all about wedding planning, but sometimes we dip our toes (or fingers?) into sex. Today is one of those days, and today we’re going to talk about how wedding planning and masturbation are more related than you might think.